Samples offer short doses of insight
5/20/2003 News media contact: Tim Tanton · (615) 742-5470 · Nashville, Tenn. NOTE: This is a sidebar to UMNS story #290. By United Methodist News Service Here
is a sample of the wisdom that the Rev. Dave Wilkinson channels from
different sources through SOUND BITES, a five-days-a-week e-mail
(#915) The Authority of Christ
"It's easy to
overlook a significant claim made by Christ at the conclusion of
Matthew's gospel. 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given
to Me' (Matthew 28:18). Jesus claims to be the CEO of heaven and earth.
He has the ultimate say on everything, especially our thoughts. He has
more authority, for example, than your parents. Your parents may (have
said) you are no good, but Jesus says you are valuable, and He has
authority over parents. He even has more authority over you than you do.
You may tell yourself that you are too bad to be forgiven, but Jesus
has a different opinion. If you give Him authority over you, then your
guilty thoughts are no longer allowed.
"Jesus also has authority
over your ideas. … To have a pure heart, we must submit all thoughts
to the authority of Christ. If we are willing to do that, He will change
us to be like Him."
- Max Lucado in Just Like Jesus
(#916) The Will of God
if you are suffering according to God's will, keep on doing what is
right, and trust yourself to the God who made you, for He will never
fail you.' (1 Peter 4:19 NLT)
"The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you."
- Unknown
(#917) A New Way of Being
a Christian perspective, human relations reach toward full realization
when there is a common love, when there is shared faith in God and joint
commitment to God. To love God together with others is to be drawn into
the deepest sharing of life with one another. It is to find the true
base of community and it is to extend community. A new dimension of
relationship is established by common life as each person is drawn out
of his or her subjectivity into a new way of being as 'we' is created.
Love is the bearer of this new way of being, and this new way of being
is the inclusive expression of Christian love."
- Thomas A. Langford in Christian Wholeness
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