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Update: 70 Minn. clergy OK same-sex unions


Editor's Note: This story has been updated with the most recent total of signers.

6:00 P.M. EST June 2, 2011 | ST. CLOUD, Minn. (UMNS)

Forty United Methodist clergy in the Minnesota Annual (regional) Conference have signed a statement endorsing same-sex unions. A web-only photo courtesy Snrang via Flickr.
Forty United Methodist clergy in the Minnesota Annual (regional) Conference have signed a statement endorsing same-sex unions. A web-only photo courtesy of Snrang via Flickr.

Seventy Minnesota United Methodist clergy members have signed a statement saying they would “offer the grace of the Church’s blessing to any prepared couple desiring Christian marriage,” including same-sex couples.

“Groups have been meeting who want to challenge parts of the United Methodist polity with which we disagree — that which relates to the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual community and Christian marriage,” said the Rev. Bruce Robbins, pastor of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis.

“With the possibility of a constitutional amendment in the state of Minnesota (defining marriage as limited to heterosexual couples), this seems important.”

He was speaking June 1 to a clergy meeting during the Minnesota Annual Conference session at the St. Cloud Civic Center.

Robbins read the statement during a time of personal privilege at the end of clergy session, a business meeting held in the afternoon. Initially about a dozen clergy members had signed the statement, he said. By 9:30 p.m., the total signers had increased to about 40. As of June 3, the number had reached 70.

“We are convinced by the witness of others and are compelled by Spirit and conscience to act,” the statement reads in part. “We realize that our church’s discriminatory policies tarnish the witness of the church to the world, and we are complicit. We value our covenant relationships and ask everyone to hold the divided community of The United Methodist Church in prayer.”

The statement was voluntary and independent of the conference agenda.

Denomination’s stand

The Book of Discipline, the denomination’s law book, states: “Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.”

Minnesota Area Bishop Sally Dyck. A UMNS photo  by Ronny Perry.
Minnesota Area Bishop Sally Dyck. A UMNS photo by Ronny Perry.

Under Paragraph 2702 in the Discipline, officiating at such unions is a chargeable offense. Clergy convicted in a church court of a chargeable offense may face a range of penalties, from revocation of conference membership or clergy credentials to suspension or lesser penalties.

Minnesota Area Bishop Sally Dyck clarified that simply making the statement in support of same-sex unions — as opposed to actually officiating at such a wedding — was not a chargeable offense, according to the 2008 Book of Discipline, the most recent edition.

 “Our church is not of one mind of this,” the bishop said at clergy session. “Our communities are not of one mind. There are many ways in which families and churches and communities differ in their understanding about the way to go forward. It is important for us to be mindful of each other and recognize differences and hold each other in grace.”

Renewed debate

Only General Conference, the denomination’s top lawmaking body, can speak for The United Methodist Church.

The Rev. Bruce Robbins
The Rev. Bruce Robbins

Since 1972, the subject of homosexuality has sparked discussion at each quadrennial gathering of the lawmaking assembly. Delegates consistently have voted to keep the Discipline’s stance against homosexuality.

But the longtime debate recently has heated up again as the church approaches 2012 General Conference.

In the United States, public support for same-sex unions has been growing over the past decade. On May 20, Gallup reported finding for the first time that a majority of Americans (53 percent) now support the legal recognition of same-sex marriage. That follows a series of other polls in recent months that also show majority support for such unions.

Minnesota United Methodists meet annually for policy decisions, ministry planning, worship, ordination and reporting. About 900 voting members — half of whom are clergy and half are laity — attend the annual conference, which this year convenes.

About 75,000 members worship in 365 United Methodist churches in Minnesota.

*Rebeck is the director of communication for the  Minnesota Annual (regional) Conference.

News media contact: Heather Hahn, Nashville, Tenn., 615-742-5470 or newsdesk@umcom.org.

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  • Rodney 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    We are in real trouble when the leaders of our church condone an act that goes completely against the grain of God's word.  Homosexual clergy and same-sex marriages are the issue.  Homosexuality in the church should not be an issue given God's guidance about the subject of homosexuality.  Would we accept a Pastor that commits adultery or looks a pornography on his computer in his office (or anywhere else for that matter)?  What about an elder that frequents prostitutes?  Should he be able to continue in his leadership role?  I should say not!!  Homosexuality is a sin just like the other afore mentioned sins.. And if clergy are condoning homosexuality they should be removed.
  • Cowboy Up 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Once again the UMC press has written an article suggesting the UMC should go along with the culture. I seriously doubt that Gallup poll represents the majority of Americans anyway and certainly not UMC members. It is repeatedly being used by the media as propaganda for a certain agenda. What about all the UMC conferences who are not considering any new way of interpreting the scripture? So the Church is supposed to roll with the way culture does? What about Romans 12:2 ? Embracing people is not the same as condoning or enabling their sin.
  • The Snavely's 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I'm not meaning to suggest that Christians must be socially conservative. However, it is boggling my mind how any Christian can justify this lifestyle?? And, because homosexuality isn't listed on the 10 commandments, doesn't mean it's not a sin. Forget the liberal notion that homosexuals are "born" that way. We are made in God's image, so how could He create an un-natural attraction to the opposite sex in someone? We are throwing away God's original desire for relationships so we can hold to the idea that "love is the most important thing ever". Let's accept everyone and their sins regardless of what the Bible directs... I am beyond explanation. I don't care what we understand psychologically or any other matter today about relationships. So by all means,we can just understand every principle the Bible directs differently in today's post-modern culture so we can change Biblical direction to our standards. God guide us...
  • Michael 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    53% of Americans are in favor of recognizing same sex unions?? So does that mean the church should too? 70% thinks its OK to tell lies. 54% think divorce is no big deal. 73% think its OK to drink and drive. 57% steal from there employer. Maybe the church should sanction all sin, just because most americans "don't care".
  • ken pullias 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Thinker, I agree with you 100%,"Marriage is between a man and woman."
  • The Snavely's 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I am so distressed that the American church is falling over to the pressures in our culture. I am worried that because so many, including the Methodist church are losing members, that they are now compelled to drop their socially conservative and Biblically based doctrine. God help us...
  • Royce Logan 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    @Ur Worstnightmare. Are you kidding me? You're going to let an 8 year old tell you what sex he is? Leave the kid alone and he'll most likely grow up to be what God has already made him. It's your job to make sure he understands what God made him.
  • ur_worstnightmare 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I once believed as you. That changed with my grandson. He has not 'come out', but he is gay. No doubt about it. He is 8. I can not believe that he chose this. I believe God made him this way. I do not know why, but who am I to question God's intentions?
  • Ur Worstnightmare 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    I once believed as you. That changed with my grandson. He has not 'come out', but he is gay. No doubt about it. He is 8. I can not believe that he chose this. I believe God made him this way. I do not know why, but who am I to question God's intentions?
  • Ur Worstnightmare 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Many people in the Bible had marriages that amount to polygamy today. King Soloman had 300 wives, and 700 concubines. Typically marriage was between one man and as many women/wives/concubines that he could afford. Women, in Biblical times, were property, and often had no say in regards to marriage,
  • Ur Worstnightmare 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    "In reality, there are no biblical literalists, only selective literalists. By abolishing slavery and ordaining women, millions of Protestants have gone far beyond biblical literalism. It's time we did the same for homophobia." William Sloane Coffin, former chaplain of Yale University and, peace activist, and leading liberal clergyperson
  • Ur Worstnightmare 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
    "The half-dozen biblical references to homosexuality do not reflect what we understand today about loving relationships. This is an identity, not a sin."
  • Cowboy Up 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    So Civilization through modern understanding of people's needs and desires can render the Bible irrelevant? Shouldn't identity be found through faith in Christ instead of sexual orientation?
  • Cowboy Up 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Disappointing and biased article again published on the UMC website undermining UMC doctrine and most likely UMC member beliefs suggesting that cultural trends should be embraced by the church, demonstrating certain Churches and pastors who are non-compliant with UMC doctrines they take an oath to support and uphold, and showing a blatant disregard of the conference agenda by several clergy.
  • Jers 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
  • Ur Worstnightmare 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    Bless you Father Monty.
  • Father Monty 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    We have been circulating the same pledge at the Susquehanna Annual Conference - and over two lunch periods, without any arm twisting, we have 24 members of our annual conference who have also signed the Equality for All in Christian Marriage Statement.
  • Shana M 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    This has been voted on in General Conferences for years and they keep on.
  • Mark West 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
    "that they are now compelled to drop their socially conservative and Biblically based doctrine". Huh? Where in the scriptures does it say we're supposed to be "socially conservative"? That's a new one on me. help me out friends.

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