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Communique 219 January 9, 2008 This newsletter was sent on: 1/9/2008


Kansas East Conference - The United Methodist Church 

The Communique

News of the Kansas East Conference

#219 - January 9, 2008

Quick Links

Dear Friends of the Kansas East Conference,  

With the start of a new year comes a new opportunity for young persons to apply for one of the Conference Merit Scholarships that are presented each year at Annual Conference.  The deadline for applications has been set at March 1 so it is important that pastors and laity make youth aware of this opportunity soon. 

Guidelines and applications for the scholarships are available on our website at  Scroll down the page until you find "Conference Merit Scholarships" and download the documents there.  But while you're on that page also take note of other opportunities available thru the UMC and its agencies or through UM colleges.

Gary Beach
Director of Connectional Ministries

General News



Global mission experience:  Disaster Response 

At the Global Mission Experience scheduled for Saturday, February 23 at the Countryside UMC in Topeka, you will have the choice of two workshops related to disaster response.  One will feature Julie Pohl, Volunteer in Mission/Disaster Response Coordinator for the Kansas East Conference, updating folk on the state of recovery on the Gulf coast following hurricanes Katrina and Rita and what still needs to be done to assist in the recovery. 


A second workshop will feature Steve Burnett, Assistant VIM/DR Coordinator, and the Rev. Gene McIntosh, formerly pastor of the Greensburg UMC at the time of last spring's tornado there.  They will report on the needs within Kansas in response to tornadoes, floods, and ice storms and how you and your congregation can continue to assist in the recovery from these devastating natural disasters."

To register for the Global Mission Experience, go to


Why is it important to pledge to "Bridges to the Future" now? 
St. Paul gradsLocal church pledges provide a sign of support for the capital campaign when we seek funding from other sources. This month, we are preparing our requests for funding from foundations both in the state and nationally. One thing foundations look at when giving grants is what other financial support is being offered to the projects they are considering giving a grant.  When the local church, individual pastors and conference leaders give their pledge it looks favorable to the foundations. 


The extended cabinet, the campaign's district steering committee chairpersons, and many pastors in each district have made their pledges. This coupled with several church and individual pledges has paved the way for giving for others. As the campaign director, I want to encourage you and your church to join them. All pledges are encouraged to be seeded in prayerful consideration and returned in a timely manner to offer support to other pledges. 


If you are in need of a pledge card, please contact the campaign office at 913-393-4201 or




New staff member joins Area Communications Office

Britt BradleyBritt Bradley has recently been hired as the new Electronic Media Specialist for the Kansas Area Marketing and Communications Office.  She was born and raised in Wichita, KS, and has been a member of Pleasant Valley UMC for ten years.  Britt is a recent graduate of the University of Kansas where she double-majored in Film Studies and Psychology. 


"I first wanted to go into film and video because people connect with the medium so well," she says.  "I wanted to bring light to issues and causes that deserve more attention and support.  I'm excited about this job and feel like God has given me a fantastic opportunity to help spread His love."


Innovation Funding Grants Available
The United Methodist Health Ministry Fund announces a special allocation of $500,000 for Innovation Funding grants in 2008.  The funding is designed to attract and support new approaches to oral health, access to health care, and healthy lifestyles in Kansas.  Through the inaugural Innovation Funding program in 2007, 17 grants totaling over $743,000 were awarded.
Applying for an Innovation Funding grant is a two-step process.  An initial letter of intent must be submitted to the Health Fund by April 7.  Those subsequently invited to submit a full proposal will be notified by May 26.  The invited proposals are due by July 7.
Full details of the Innovation Funding Grants Request for Letters of Intent and the online Letter of Intent form are available on the Health Fund website,
A webcast/teleconference will be offered in February to review Innovation Funding guidelines and answer questions.  For participation information and to pre-register, please see the Request for Letters of Intent on our website.
Please feel free to forward this message to others who may have an interest in this opportunity to improve the health of Kansans.
If you have questions, contact Virginia Elliott, Vice-President for Programs  or Kim Moore, President , 800-369-7191 or 620-662-8586.


United Methodists respond to situation in Kenya
Bishop Felton E. May, interim general secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries, has issued a statement on the upheaval in Kenya. The statement reports on the safety of mission personnel and reviews the history and work of the church in Kenya, as well as addresses matters of peace. The United Methodist Church has a very long mission involvement in Kenya.


The statement can be found online at


John Calhoun, United Methodist missionary, provides a first-hand report on the situation in Kenya (as of Jan. 7). He returned to Nairobi from Atlanta late last week.

This can be found online at


The United Methodist Committee on Relief has issued a special appeal for humanitarian assistance in the wake of the violence in Kenya:


2008 Legislative Alerts begin

The 2008 edition of Legislative Alerts began publication Jan. 7. Produced by Robert Harder, these alerts provide updates on anticipated action and legislation before the Kansas Legislature.


This first edition for 2008 includes contact information for state and national legislators, including Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.


Archived editions are available on the Kansas East website in the e-Newsletter Archive or under "Newsletters" on the homepage of Kansas East site. If you are interested in receiving these alerts in your e-mail, contact Harder at


GBOD releases

Worship-Preaching-Music Resources for Transfiguration Sunday - February 3, 2008

"Celebrating the Offering," by Melvin Amerson and James Amerson, is a new release from the General Board of Discipleship. The authors say, "Churches grow in generosity when stewardship is preached, taught, embraced and celebrated. For the celebration to occur, a process of transformation needs to take place." This transformation is at the heart of their book, "Celebrating the Offering." For more information or to order call 800-972-0433 or go to


Music Copyright information
There is a dispute ongoing between legal experts and the music publishing industry over copyright. The two links to articles found below provide information on the debate that is occurring. Once a final legal determination is made, the General Board of Discipleship will issue a new article on music copyrights.


New Upcoming Events



UMW Legislative Event

Feb. 12


The annual United Methodist Women's Legislative Event will be 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, Sixth and Topeka Boulevard, in Topeka.  Download the schedule and registration form and a description of the workshops.


The Kansas East and Kansas West conference United Methodist Women are offering scholarships to young women ages 15-21 to attend the annual Legislative Event, Feb. 12, 2008.

Scholarships cover registration, meals, workshops and a travel stipend. Send a short essay of why you want to attend this event and what you would do with the knowledge you receive by Jan. 15, 2008 to:

Yvonne Sudduth, 204 E Third St, PO Box 73, Wetmore KS 66550.

Signs of Life Retreat

Feb. 22-23


"Signs of Life" is a retreat for people 16 to 25 who are thinking about life in full-time ministry.  We're looking for people with questions and people with passion.  We're looking for people with ears to hear and whose hearts want to serve.  We're looking for you!



SCJ Caring for Creation Conference 
March 7-9
So often the word "green" is thrown around in reference to the environment. This coming spring, Mount Sequoyah Conference Center is not just using the word, but doing something about it.


March 7-9, 2008, Mount Sequoyah is holding the first annual SCJ Caring for Creation Conference in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  This conference is not only to make people aware of environmental issues and offer creative solutions, but it is also to help them recognize and fulfill their responsibility for stewardship in creation and how environmental care is a natural part of being a Disciple of Christ.


The keynote speaker will be Dr. J. Matthew Sleeth, author of Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action. Early discount registration deadline February 1.


For more information call 800-760-8126, email  or go to


Thanks to a generous donation from a local hotel, Mount Sequoyah has received new furniture for more than 200 guest rooms at the retreat site. Cherry wood headboards, desks, armoires, and side-tables inhabit every room of the newly renovated Sequoyah cottage and will soon be added to most of the other facilities. Rooms that need it most are receiving paint jobs and the center plans to install new carpet as funds are available. Things are looking quite different now up on the mountain with all of the updates. Over the next few months, many hours of hard work will be put into each room for the comfort and enjoyment of every guest.


Finance Office News



2007 Local Church Remitances
The deadline to submit apportionment payments for credit to 2007 was Tuesday, January 8th.

On Thursday, Januray 10th, the Finance office will mail out a preliminary 2007 Church Statement. These statements will also be available through your church dashboard on the Kansas East website.
Please review these statements IMMEDIATELY and notify the Treasurer's office of any corrections or changes to be posted by close of business Wednesday, Januray 16th.


On Thursday, January 17th, the Finance office will mail out a FINAL 2007 Church Statement. On Friday, January 18th, the Finance office must remit the final 2007 receipts for General Church apportionments, offerings, and other advance special gifts.


Local Church Statistical Tables 1, 2 & 3 
The data entry website, is now available for use to enter 2007 Statistical Table information. You may also acess this website by going to, click on "church login," then click on "UMCData Login."


If you use the you will need to scroll down the list of annual conference and select "Kansas East Conference."


At the login in screeen for, enter your seven digit GCFA church number as the login ID and your four digit KEC church number is the password.  If you do not remember these numbers, please contact your District Office or the Treasurer's Office.


The Deadline for submitting the Statistical Tables is Monday, January 28th.


2009 Budget Request deadlines
2009 Budget Requests from the following are due by February 29th:

  • Human Resource Council
  • Commission on New Church Development
  • Board of Global Ministries
  • Board of Church and Society
  • Board of Discipleship
  • Board of Trustees
  • Council on Finance and Administration
  • Committee on Communications

2009 budgets for all other boards, committees, councils and agencies are due no later than Friday, January, 29th. CFA's budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th.

If anyone has questions, please contact the Conference Treasurer at 877-972-9111 tollfree or 272-9111 local.




Event Calendar




Visit the Conference Calendar for additional information and events not listed below.


January 2008

Safe and Sacred Spaces Worker Training
Jan. 11

Kansas Area Professional Seminar
Jan. 15-17

Grand Prairie Hotel in Hutchinson

Amy Lippoldt,


Christian Educators Family Reunion
Jan. 17-18



Human Relations Day
Jan. 20


Martin Luther King Holiday
Jan. 21
Conference office closed


CCYM Spiritual Life Retreat
Jan. 25-27


Safe and Sacred Spaces Worker Training
Jan. 26



February 2008

Safe and Sacred Spaces Worker Training

Feb. 4


Ash Wednesday

Feb. 6


Flint Hills District Leadership Event
Feb. 9


Parsons District Event
Feb. 10


Topeka District Leadership Event

Feb. 11

First of Five conversations on The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations


United Methodist Women Legislative Event

Feb. 12


Safe and Sacred Spaces Worker Training

Feb. 13


Signs of Life Retreat
Feb. 22-23


Global Mission Experience

Feb. 23


Safe and Sacred Spaces Worker Training

Feb. 23



Month Year


Send Communique submissions by 5 p.m. the Monday prior to publication to Susan Cooper at



Meet the Kansas Area Marketing and Communications staff






St. Paul grads

Lisa Elliott Diehl
Area Director

Susan Cooper
Associate Director

Beverly Fanestil

Britt Bradley
Electronic Media Specialist




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