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Television show, study guide examine faces behind hunger


Television show, study guide examine faces behind hunger

Oct. 20, 2004        

By United Methodist News Service

How can United Methodists impact the hunger epidemic domestically and globally?

Answers to questions such as this are available in a study guide designed to accompany an Oct. 24 television documentary focusing on hunger issues.

The National Council of Churches produced the one-hour program, Hunger No More: Faces Behind the Facts, for the ABC-TV “Vision and Values” series.

The hour-long television special notes that while many people do not worry about where they will get their next meal, there are many others across the United States and throughout the world for whom food insecurity is a daily fact of life. The documentary takes an in-depth look at hunger and offers solutions. More than 115 ABC affiliates have agreed to air the documentary.

The guide, also available as a church bulletin insert, asks what people think when they hear that people are starving to death. It contains a study process, biblical passages on hunger, information about global and domestic policy, and possible solutions.

The intent is to give information and ask questions “so people will not feel overwhelmed with the issue but can take next steps to do something,” said Shirley Struchen of New York, one of the documentary’s executive producers.

“This bulletin insert/study guide is designed to assist us to see more than statistics and facts and gets us to the stories of people,” she said.

The issue of hunger in the United States and other countries is not new, but  “the important thing is that there are solutions, and each of us as individuals can play a part,” Struchen said. “The guide puts important information in one place so we can use it in our journey in working to eliminate world hunger.”

United Methodists involved in hunger programs are featured in the closed-captioned documentary, including segments that show people participating in potato drops, gleaning fields and working in food banks.

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A UMNS photo courtesy Society of St. Andrew

�Hunger No More: Faces Behind the Facts" includes the faces of young people involved in gleaning programs to help fight hunger.

The Society of St. Andrew, an ecumenical ministry supported by United Methodists, harvests potatoes and salvages other fresh produce that would otherwise go to waste, re-directing the food to agencies serving the poor. The documentary for ABC includes footage of the society’s potato drop during the United Methodist General Conference last spring in Pittsburgh, and the gleaning of produce from previously harvested fields in Virginia. The society’s “Harvest of Hope” program offers mission opportunities to glean food and learn about hunger issues.

The NCC’s sponsoring partners for Hunger No More include Mennonite Media, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, Church World Service, the World Hunger Program, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Society of St. Andrew, with cooperation from United Methodist Communications and Bread for the World. United Methodist Communications contributed footage from Africa.

Through contributions to Advance #982920, the United Methodist Committee on Relief supplies food for the hungry and assists with development programs in poor countries. Checks written to UMCOR can be placed in church offering plates or mailed directly to UMCOR, 475 Riverside Drive, Room 330, New York, N.Y. 10115. Donations by credit card can be made by calling, toll free, (800) 554-8583.

After airing, the documentary with study guide will be available on DVD and VHS video.
The study guide/bulletin insert also may be downloaded from The Web site also contains a list of ABC affiliates and program times.  For more information, call (800) 999-3534.

News media contact: Linda Green, Nashville, Tenn., (615) 742-5470 or


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