Worship artists celebrate group’s 50th year with verve
A UMNS photo by Deborah White Members
of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts attend
worship at First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto, Calif.
700 members of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship
Arts attend a worship service at First United Methodist Church of Palo
Alto, Calif., during the organization’s 50th anniversary convocation
July 10-14 in San Francisco. The service of “Honoring and Remembering
Our Past” included mariachi players, a ceremony honoring the dead called
“Dia de los Muertos,” liturgical dancers and hymns sung in both Spanish
and English. A UMNS photo by Deborah White. Photo #05-508. Accompanies
UMNS story #407. 7/20/05 |
July 20, 2005
By Deborah White*
SAN FRANCISCO (UMNS) — From an all-star handbell choir to shouting
and stomping for an encore from a vocal ensemble, the Fellowship of
United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts celebrated its 50th
anniversary with style and spirit.
About 700 musicians, pastors, worship leaders, artists and dancers
from the United States, Canada and England gathered for the
organization’s biennial convocation July 10-14. A 10-member committee
chaired by Kevin Bogan of Kansas worked more than two years to plan a
stunning 50th anniversary convocation filled with worship services,
concerts and a variety of workshops. At the same time, the United
Methodist Board of Discipleship presented “Preaching from the Center,” a
special track of workshops geared to pastors.
“The Fellowship: Our Golden Future” was the theme of the convocation.
Several sessions honored the founders and the organization’s rich
history as a group of church musicians.
A UMNS photo by Deborah White Austin Lovelace accepts the Roger Deschner Award, the fellowship’s top honor.
Lovelace accepts the Roger Deschner Award at the 50th anniversary
convocation of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship
Arts in San Francisco. Established in 1991, the award recognizes
outstanding members of the fellowship and honors the late Roger
Deschner, a member and mentor. A UMNS photo by Deborah White. Photo
#05-509. Accompanies UMNS story #407. 7/20/05 |
Austin Lovelace, chairman of the organizing committee for the first
meeting in 1955, received the Roger Deschner Award, which recognizes
outstanding members of the fellowship and honors the late Roger
Deschner, a cherished member and mentor.
Lovelace, minister of music emeritus at Wellshire Presbyterian Church
in Denver, is credited with more than 700 compositions. “He is one of
America’s most beloved church musicians. His classic works have helped
us be formed over decades,” said Elise Eslinger, chairman of the award
“I hope my gift has been valuable to you,” said Lovelace, who led several sessions at the convocation.
Another founding member, Carlton “Sam” Young, also had a prominent
role in the convocation. In addition to leading workshops, he composed
new music for a Eucharistic prayer written by the Rev. Don Saliers of
United Methodist-related Candler School of Theology. It premiered at the
closing worship service at the historic Grace Cathedral in downtown San
At the opening banquet in the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Hotel ballroom, fellowship President Beverly Clement recognized
Lovelace, Young and Margaret Sayre, who attended the first convocation.
Movies and photos of early convocations were featured.
A UMNS photo by Deborah White Beverly Clement reacts to praise from the fellowship for her two years of service as president of the organization.
Clement reacts to praise from the Fellowship of United Methodists in
Music and Worship Arts for her two years as president of the
organization. About 700 members of the fellowship attended the 50th
anniversary convocation July 10-14 in San Francisco. A UMNS photo by
Deborah White. Photo #05-510. Accompanies UMNS story #407. 7/20/05 |
“It was humbling to realize how many of those founders are no longer
with us. We are grateful for their vision and work,” wrote Dean
McIntyre, director of music resources at the United Methodist Board of
Discipleship, in a daily blog about the event at www.gbod.org.
The convocation included 45 workshops taught by 27 musicians,
artists, pastors and performers, covering such topics as worship
planning, choral rehearsal techniques, visual arts, composing hymns,
teaching new hymns to congregations, preaching in a multicultural world
and computer software for musicians.
“This event is about celebrating the past and taking that with us
into the future,” said David Bone, executive director of the fellowship.
“This has been a real watershed event. Everyone is saying the bar has
been set.”
Many fellowship members attend convocations regularly because of
opportunities to learn, discuss concerns and return to their
congregations inspired with new ideas.
A UMNS photo by Deborah White Joseph Martin plays an encore at his piano concert at First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto, Calif.
Martin plays an encore at his piano concert at First United Methodist
Church of Palo Alto, Calif., during the 50th anniversary convocation of
the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. About 700
people gathered in San Francisco for the biennial event. A UMNS photo
by Deborah White. Photo #05-511. Accompanies UMNS story #407. 7/20/05 |
“It truly has altered the life of my congregation,” said Marilyn
Hirschman, who has attended 26 convocations as director of music at
Farmer City (Ill.) United Methodist Church, part of the Salt Creek
Parish. “I come back so energized. The energy carries over to the choir
and to the congregation.”
The convocation helped eight British church musicians feel they are
part of a worldwide church family. “It helps remind us that we are not
on our own, and that is very encouraging,” said the Rev. Nick Young,
chairman of the delegation from the Methodist Church Music Society in
After attending the fellowship’s convocation in 2003, Young asked the
others to make the trip to San Francisco. “We had a lot of issues in
common,” he said. Both groups are dealing with the challenges of
contemporary worship, declining membership, recruiting young people and
encouraging good music across all traditions. “So many of our smaller
churches have lost choirs,” he said.
One of the convocation’s most inspiring moments was a concert by
Chanticleer, a Grammy-winning vocal ensemble of 12 men directed by
Joseph Jennings. With voices ranging from bass to countertenor (soprano
range), Chanticleer’s precision, versatility and smooth, rich sound
mesmerized fellowship members. As the concert ended, the audience’s
clapping gave way to shouting and stomping insistently for an encore,
and Chanticleer responded.
A UMNS photo by Deborah White The Rev. Nick Young (center) led a group of church musicians from England to the convocation.
Rev. Nick Young (center) led a group of church musicians from England
to the 50th anniversary convocation of the Fellowship of United
Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. About 700 people gathered in San
Francisco for the biennial event. A UMNS photo by Deborah White. Photo
#05-512. Accompanies UMNS story #407. 7/20/05 |
Fellowship members kept talking about Chanticleer the next day. “As they
got closer and closer to perfection, I became closer and closer to my
God,” said Bill Shortal of Winter Park, Fla., installed July 14 as the
new president of the fellowship.
“I was amazed at what God can do with the human voice,” said Bishop William H. Willimon of the North Alabama Conference.
In two plenary addresses, Willimon spoke about praise and worship,
sprinkling his talks with stories and remarks that kept participants
laughing. But he got serious, too, expressing distress about a tendency
toward praise without focus in worship.
“One of my criticisms of worship is this uncritical, naďve sense of,
‘Yeah, bring it on in here,’” he said. “Praise is a good thing. You’ve
just got to be careful how you do it.”
A convocation leader who drew considerable praise from participants
was the Rev. Thomas H. Troeger, a professor of Christian communication
at Yale Divinity School. He led the early morning worship for three days
and taught several seminars. In a sermon from the Genesis creation
story, he reminded participants that they bear the image of God and that
their creations show the image of God.
Other highlights of the convocation included:
- A concert by 13 fellowship members chosen by audition to be in the All-Star Handbell Choir.
- “A Service of Honoring and Remembering Our Past” at First United
Methodist Church of Palo Alto. It included a mariachi group, liturgical
dancers and a ceremony honoring the dead called “Dia de los Muertos.”
Participants sang English and Spanish verses in several hymns. Bishop
Minerva Carcańo of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference preached and
presided over the celebration of Holy Communion.
- A worship service hosted by Jones Memorial United Methodist Church
and Downs United Methodist Church, predominantly African-American
congregations in San Francisco and Oakland. A high-energy choir and
praise band led fellowship members in singing hymns in an upbeat gospel
style. The Rev. Safiyah Fosua, director of invitational preaching
ministries at the United Methodist Board of Discipleship, preached.
- Joseph Martin’s piano concert, peppered with anecdotes about his
first chartreuse “piano-shaped object” and “Miss Mamie, who played by
ear only on the black notes at Wednesday night prayer meeting.” Martin
is a composer and director of sacred publications for Shawnee Press.
*White is associate editor of Interpreter magazine, published by United Methodist Communications in Nashville, Tenn.
News media contact: Tim Tanton, Nashville, Tenn., (615) 742-5470 or newsdesk@umcom.org
Audio Highlights
Bishop William H. Willimon
Hymn: "O God Who Gathers Into One"
The Rev. Nick Young
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