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Church's social action board speaks against war


HERNDON, Va. (UMNS) - The board of the United Methodist Church's international advocacy and social action agency called for peace less than 24 hours after President Bush declared the "early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq" under way.

In the March 20 opening session of the Board of Church and Society's semi-annual meeting, the board approved a statement expressing "deep sorrow and regret over the pre-emptive attack on Iraq."

"The invasion marks a new military posture by the United States of America," the brief statement said. "Around the world, people remain deeply divided over the legitimacy of this war and concerned about its spiritual and temporal costs and consequences."

Voting members of the board, one of 14 agencies of the denomination, then listed the subjects of their prayers: "the safety of military personnel," "the people of Iraq and others in the region," "Christian Peacemaking Teams who remain in Baghdad," and "the president of the United States and leaders of the United Nations as they seek to bring an end to war."

The lay and clergy church members from around the world wrote that they "deplore war" and "urge peaceful settlement of all disputes among nations," quoting Paragraph 164G in the denomination's Social Principles.

The Social Principles are found in the Book of Discipline and Book of Resolutions. They represent the stand of the church as expressed by the General Conference, the only entity that speaks for the entire denomination. The legislative assembly meets every four years, and will gather again in 2004 in Pittsburgh.

"Respecting those who now support the use of force against Iraq and honoring those who will not let us become complacent about war, we pray for the day 'when there will be no more war and people will live together in peace and justice,'" the Board of Church and Society said, using words from Paragraph 165C.
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The complete statement follows:
March 20, 2003

A Statement on the Iraq War

The General Board of Church and Society

(The following statement was adopted by the General Board of Church and Society at 3:00PM Eastern)

The General Board of Church and Society expresses deep sorrow and regret over the preemptive attack on Iraq. The invasion marks a new military posture by the United States of America. Around the world people remain deeply divided over the legitimacy of this war and concerned about its spiritual and temporal costs and consequences. We pray for its swift conclusion so that the work of reconstruction and peacemaking can begin. We pray for the safety of military personnel now in great danger and for their families and loved ones. We pray for the people of Iraq and others in the region who experience displacement, destruction, and death. We pray for members of Christian Peacemaking Teams who remain in Baghdad as a witness to peace. We pray for the President of the United States and leaders of the United Nations as they seek to bring an end to war. We "deplore war" and continue to "urge peaceful settlement of all disputes among nations" (164(G) of the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church). Respecting those who now support the use of force against Iraq and honoring those who will not let us become complacent about war, we pray for the day "when there will be no more war and people will live together in peace and justice" (165(C) of the Book of Discipline). In the name of Jesus we will "let the peace of Christ rule" (Colossians 3:15) in our hearts as we seek to be "peacemakers." (Matthew 5:9)

Only General Conference speaks for the entire denomination. The General Board of Church and Society is the international social witness and advocacy agency of The United Methodist Church, charged by General Conference to "conduct a program of research, education, and action on the wide range of issues that confront the church. It shall speak its convictions, interpretations and concerns to the church and to the world."

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